August 2020
Kings SAY Soccer has prepared a Return to Play protocol based on the Department of Health Director's Order to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19.
The full report from the Ohio Department of Health can be found at:
Ohio Sports Athletic Association:
SAY National:
If you have question or concerns email us at [email protected] and one of our COVID committee team members will do their best to answer you question.
- All athletes must complete the COVID-19 Waiver/Release before being permitted to participate in any team activity.
- Athletes will need to self-screen their temperature at home prior to every practice and game. If they have a temperature greater than 99.9, they are restricted from participating in any activity.
- Coaches should screen and record each athlete’s symptoms as they enter the field at practices and games, recognizing 6-foot distances.
- Coaches are required to wear facial coverings at all times.
- Athletes should wear facial coverings when not engaging in physical activity, i.e. bag drop areas, arriving and departing, etc.
- Any spectators, family members or parents that are on site are encouraged to wear facial coverings and must keep social distance from others.
- Athletes will provide their own source of water.
- Athletes will be required to provide their own soccer ball and ensure the ball is clearly marked and sanitized before and after each workout.
- Athletes should provide their own hand sanitizer.
- Athletes should not attend if they exhibit any symptoms or feel sick.
- Athletes should not share shoes, clothing or towels.
- No team benches are to be used.
- Coaches will monitor bag drop area and encourage social distance as athletes arrive, participate and depart.
- Athletes are reminded to practice excellent self-hygiene and wash hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water before and after touching surfaces and participating in workouts.
Protocols for Handling A Positive COVID-19 Case
Player on a Team is Diagnosed as COVID Positive
The parents or caregiver of a player diagnosed COVID positive are to contact the coach as soon as possible. The coach will immediately inform the Club President or Club Administrator.
The player will be required to self-quarantine for 10 to 14 days, as recommended by a physician. (1) He/she will require a physician’s release before being allowed to return to practice.
Players and coaches on the team with a diagnosed case will be sent an email from the Club President or Club Administrator stating a player on the team has tested positive. In accordance with HIPPA policy, the player with the positive test will not be identified.
Any player or coach who had direct contact with the player at the practice/training session previous to the positive diagnosis will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days from the date of the potential exposure or until given release by a physician.
If any player on the team becomes sick or develops COVID symptoms, they should consult their health care provider for guidance.
Player’s Immediate Family Member is Diagnosed Positive
If a player or immediate (living in the same household) family member tests COVID positive, that player’s parents or caregiver are to contact the coach as soon as possible.
The coach will immediately inform the Club President or Club Administrator. The player will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days or until released by a physician before they can return to the team.
Player on Another Team Tests Positive
If players on a team are determined to have had close contact (2) with a player from another team (through a scrimmage/game or joint training), who subsequently tests COVID19 positive, those players on will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days from the date of the contact or be released by a physician.
The team will be notified as soon as the Club becomes aware that a team had potential contact with a player who tested COVID-19 positive.